Honeywell CMT927 Manual

Honeywell CMT927
Honeywell CMT927 Manual - The Honeywell CM927 is a ‘wireless’ programmable room thermostat designed to control you heating system efficiently, providing comfortable temperatures when you are at home and energy savings when you are away. With ‘wireless’ communication there is no need to provide a wired connection between the thermostat and boiler. A programmable room thermostat is both a programmer and a room thermostat. A programmer allows you to set ‘On’ and ‘Off’ time periods to suit your own lifestyle.

A room thermostat works by sensing the air temperature, switching on the heating when the air temperature falls below the thermostat setting, and switching it off once this set temperature has been reached. So, a programmable room thermostat lets you choose what times you want the heating to be on, and what temperature it should reach while it is on. It will allow you to select different temperatures in your home at different times of the day (and days of the week) to meet your particular needs.

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